California Earthquake Authority

It could happen today.

Live more. Worry less.

How do you convince people to protect themselves from something that could happen in ten minutes, or 100 years from now? By reminding them of what’s at stake. When it comes to earthquakes, nobody truly knows when “the big one” is coming. But California Earthquake Authority certainly wants you to be prepared for it when it does.

To create a sense of urgency among homeowners without earthquake insurance, we developed the “It Could Happen Today” campaign, a series of region-specific spots that meet homeowners where they are when they are contemplating important life decisions — quiet mornings in their own neighborhoods. Standing in stark contrast to the aftermath of a damaging quake, CEA reminds us of what we stand to lose.

Transit Poster

Messaging was customized for Los Angeles, San Diego and the Bay Area to reflect specific regions and audiences.